Uncollected Child Policy
All children should be collected by their parent or identified carer at the appropriate time at the end of the child’s session. We appreciate that there are times when parents /carers are unavoidably delayed and we will do our best to accommodate these occasions, but in the event of a child being uncollected at the agreed finish time we will put our uncollected child procedure into place. The setting will ensure that the child is kept safe and occupied.
If a child is not collected from the Preschool at the end of the child’s session the following will happen:
Parents/carers are reminded via the ClassDojo termly to inform the setting of updated contact details. We ask for a range of contact details including mobile numbers, work, and home phones. Parents /carers must provide at two or more emergency contact details in case the parent /carer is unavailable.
Copyright 2013. Burford Preschool C.I.C. All rights reserved.