What is a ‘keyperson’?

The keyperson is a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and as a registered early years setting we must assign a keyperson to every child once they enrol with us.

The role of your child’s keyperson is to help your child settle into preschool, support their early days with us and will then be responsible for ensuring that the care your little one receives meets all of their needs.

The keyperson will be your first point of contact within our setting. They are also responsible for exchanging information with you face to face or via our dojo. You will get at least weekly updates and termly written summaries about how well your child is progressing in their learning and development. Your child’s written summary will be discussed with you at parents evening once a term.

Watching & learning

It will be the keyperson who observes your child regularly as they are playing and learning, they will pay attention to how your child learns, what they enjoy playing with and what they need more support with. They will also keep a record of the observations they make on the dojo as they create your child’s ‘Learning Journal’. Your child’s ‘Learning Journal’ records their progress through the EYFS.

The keyperson will use their observations to plan further learning opportunities that are based on your child’s interests and needs. This is because they know that children learn best when the experiences they have are challenging and enjoyable, allowing them to play and explore, to concentrate and develop their own ideas.

Talking – a two way communication

A keyperson’s responsibilities stretch beyond meeting the basic needs of your child and exchanging information with you. Your keyperson will make you feel our setting is a safe place that you can trust, they are your insight into your child’s world whilst they are away from you, whilst establishing the professional boundaries and expectations upon which your on-going relationship is based.

How to work in partnership with your keyperson

Take time to explore the Early Years Foundation Stage.   An online copy of the full document  for parents can be found

If you happen to be available on a day when Ofsted are inspecting our setting, please do tell the inspector how well you feel we look after your child, meet their needs and share information with you at Burford Preschool C.I.C.

Be prepared to share information about what your child does at home and any new skills they master. This will help your keyperson build a two-way picture of your child at home and preschool.

If you have any concerns about your child’s overall development the keyperson will work closely with you, using their observations and records to see that your child is developing as expected. If they are concerned they will discuss their concerns with you and seek support from professionals to make sure your child gets extra support if/ when needed.

The most important aspect of the keyperson relationship with parents is that you work together to create the best care and education for your child during their time with us.